Group Updates

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Sabbatical Leave

Prof. Rao on sabbatical leave at the University of Amsterdam visiting AMLAB directed by Prof. Max Welling.

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Congratulations, Aditya!

Aditya Sant passed his Preliminary Exam on August 30, 2019. His research presentation was titled: “DOA Estimation with Nonlinearities”. Congratulations, Aditya!

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Congratulations, Rohan!

Rohan Pote passed his Preliminary Exam on August 29, 2019. His research presentation was titled: “Reduced Dimension Beamspace Design Incorporating Nested Array Geometry: Applications to mmWave Channel Estimation”. Congratulations, Rohan!

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Congratulations, Hitesh!

Hitesh Khunti passed his Preliminary Exam on August 28, 2019. His research presentation was titled: “Time Efficient SPECT Imaging”. Congratulations, Hitesh!

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Congratulations, Dr. Liu!

Jing Liu successfully defended his thesis on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 and is titled: “Robust PCA and Robust Linear Regression via Sparsity Regularization”. Congratulations, Dr. Liu!

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Congratulations, Gokce!

Gokce Sarar passed her Preliminary Exam on May 28, 2019. Her research presentation was titled: “Functional Connectome Fingerprinting using Neural Networks”. Congratulations, Gokce!

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Congratulations, Kuan-Lin!

Kuan-Lin Chen passed his Preliminary Exam on May 22, 2019. His research presentation was titled: “A Generalized Proportionate-Type Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter”. Congratulations, Kuan-Lin!

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Congratulations, Govind!

Govind R. Gopal passed his Preliminary Exam on November 27, 2018. His research presentation was titled: “Access Point Placement in Massive MIMO Systems”. Congratulations, Govind!

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Congratulations, Dr. Fedorov!

Igor Fedorov successfully defended his thesis on Friday, September 21, 2018 and is titled: “Structured Learning with Scale Mixture Priors”. Congratulations, Dr. Fedorov!

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Congratulations, Ching-Hua!

Ching-Hua Lee passed his university qualifying exam on June 12, 2018. His research presentation was titled: “New Sparse Adaptive Filtering Algorithms for Speech Processing in Hearing Aids”. Congrats, Ching-Hua!

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