Congratulations, Dr. Chen!

Kuan-Lin Chen successfully defended his thesis on Monday, June 3, 2024, and was titled: “Deep Learning with Estimation and Complexity Guarantees for Signal Processing”. Congratulations, Dr. Chen!

L to R: Dr. Garudadri, Prof. Rao, Dr. Chen, and Prof. Pal

L to R: Dr. Garudadri, Prof. Rao, Dr. Chen, and Prof. Pal

Congratulations Kuan-Lin Chen for receiving the ECE Best TA Award

Kuan-Lin Chen received the Best TA Award on June 5, 2024, for his outstanding performance as a Teaching Assistant during the Fall 2023 quarter in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Congratulations, Kuan-Lin!

L to R: Kuan-Lin and Prof. Lin

L to R: Kuan-Lin and Prof. Lin

Congratulations, Dr. Sant!

Aditya Sant successfully defended his thesis on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, and was titled: “Towards Model-based Synergistic Learning for Robust Next-Generation MIMO Systems”. Congratulations, Dr. Sant!


Prof. Rao Receives from the IEEE Signal Processing Society the 2023 Norbert Wiener Society Award

Prof. Bhaskar D. Rao has received the prestigious IEEE Signal Processing Society’s (SPS) Norbert Wiener Society Award on April 16, 2024 for sustained and pioneering contributions to research and education in sparsity, array processing, and wireless communications. Details about the award can be found in the link below. Congratulations, Prof. Rao!


Video: 2023 Norbert Wiener Society Award

Prof. Bhaskar Rao’s retirement event

Message from Prof. Rao
 Bhaskar Rao Retirement Symposium
After 40 years at the University of California as Distinguished Professor and holder of the Ericsson endowed chair, I have transitioned (retired from my original position) to Distinguished Professor of the Graduate Division. This allows me to continue my research and advising graduate students without the others duties associated with a typical Professor position. I am looking to continuing my research at UCSD. This is an exciting transition point and so I hope to explore new ventures and am looking forward to what the future holds.
Here are the public links to the photos and videos of the retirement event organized by the ECE department on September 23, 2023
Photos at Flickr
Videos at YouTube
Website Apps